At 15:26 12/05/2016 +0200, Cley Faye wrote:
... having seen the file from a direct message, the problem is way simpler than a formatting/data type problem :)

No, it *is* a problem of data format and interpretation.

The problem is that you have something in your cell that is not *a* number (things like "3,94,700").

But those *are* numbers - just expressed according to the Indian numbering system; see .

There is no way (that I know of...) to interpret that as a number, so it is seen as a string.

Such numbers are interpreted correctly (and can be displayed similarly) if the cells are formatted according to an appropriate language, that language either inherited from the locale or set explicitly in the Format Cells dialogue. LibreOffice is cleverer than you think!

Brian Barker

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