Sorry Tom, but it does not work. I do not think the "fix broken packages" would not be useful since the error was telling me that I do not have all the dependencies that was listed for 5.2.2, even though I did not have that error with So something within one of the upgraded .deb files decided that it needed a package that 5.2.1 need with the Ubuntu "terminal" based install.

Actually, I tend to check for broken package every few weeks.

Which version of Raspberry Pi are you using? "Pi 2" or "Pi 3 B"? Running Raspbian or Ubuntu Mate? It looks like the RPi 3 can run the "Windows 10 IOT Core"

RPi 3 seems to have come out a few months ago. "They" released the first "starter kit" last month. One day, I hope to get a RPi with all the "starter equipment" needed to complete it - except the VGA or HDMI connector monitor and USB keyboard/mouse because I have them already.

On 10/11/2016 01:16 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Does this fix it?

sudo dpkg --configure -a

(of course that is two - signs in front of the word "configure").  It
usually fixes most package errors on my Debian-family distros such as
Ubuntu, Mint etc.  At worst it usually gets me to a state where i can open
Synaptic package manaager and then use it's;

Edit - "Fix broken packages"

I'm just starting to get used to Raspberry Pi where i have moved to other
families where i have almost no idea how to fix anything like that.
Regards from
Tom :)

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