Guess it would help to attach the files...

On Tue Jan 17 2017 13:01:13 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Tanstaafl
<> wrote:
> Ok, I created two basic spreadsheets that demonstrate the problem, but
> you'll have to adjust the formula for the file location on your computer
> - unless someone can tell me how to make it just a relative reference
> that assumes the called document is in the same location as the one
> calling it.
> On Tue Jan 17 2017 12:46:05 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Tanstaafl
> <> wrote:
>> Scratch this... I actually decided to go ahead and create these for
>> anyone who asked, but discovered these work as expected.
>> So, it must have something to do with the VLOOKUP I'm using. I'm working
>> on recreating these, and will follow-up once I'm done.
>> That said, if anyone knows how to use relative references to external
>> spreadsheets (meaning, the reference assumes the referenced spreadsheet
>> is in the same location/directory as the one calling it), I'd be most
>> appreciative.
>> On Tue Jan 17 2017 12:26:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), Tanstaafl
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Mon Jan 16 2017 18:16:28 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), m.a.riosv
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Please could you share sample files to test?
>>> I can't share the specific files, they contain sensitive financial
>>> information.
>>> But it should be easy to recreate...
>>> Create two spreadsheets, 'A' and 'B'
>>> Define column A in spreadsheet 'A' as Number/Currency, enter some
>>> numbers in column A
>>> Define column A in spreadsheet 'B' as Number/Currency, define formula to
>>> reference column A in spreadsheet 'A', fill down to include rows in
>>> spreadsheet 'A' with nothing in them
>>> Sort column A in spreadsheet 'B' in descending order
>>> Note that all of the blank cells are sorted ABOVE the ones with values,
>>> when they should be sorted BELOW (treated as zeros, so less than any non
>>> blank/zero value).
>>> Sorting the same rows directly in spreadsheet 'A' puts the empty cells
>>> BELOW the cells with values

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