At 13:01 17/01/2017 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:
... unless someone can tell me how to make it just a relative reference that assumes the called document is in the same location as the one calling it.

At 15:20 17/01/2017 -0700, Miguel Angel Riosv wrote:
Set up references as relative path is on: Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice/Load-Save/General

At 09:44 18/01/2017 -0500, Charles Marcus wrote:
Thanks Miguel, but... I was thinking more of how to do this in the formula itself. Using this option - which apparently is enabled by default since mine was, and upon testing, I discovered the reference is indeed relative. But, this is confusing - when looking at the formula, it shows the full path to the file.

It is indeed confusing - but it does do what you need. As I happened to mention very recently in another thread, Calc always expands relative references and displays absolute references in formulae, e.g. in the Input Line, which may give the mistaken impression that the relative addressing is not working. But both what is saved in the document file and the effect when it is reopened elsewhere are indeed controlled by the "Save URLs relative to file system" option at the location specified above.

So, it appears there is no way to use full paths in one document, and relative paths in a different document?

Surely there is? You just need to make the appropriate selection in Options before you save each document file. Note that, although many Options apply to your installation of LibreOffice or to the way documents are displayed, some - like this one - also or instead affect the saved version of the particular document you are working on.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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