Thank you, I'll have a look at it.
Also sorry for accidentally mailing you directly, instead of the list.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

2018-07-23 19:15 GMT+02:00 Andrew Pitonyak <>:

> You can enumerate those with:
> theTypeDescriptionManager
> There is a method EnumerateTypesTest. Notice that there is a typeArray. I
> have note tested this, but, I could likely use the following two types
>, _
> And enumerate the constant types and print them. If I were industrious, I
> would dump them into a Calc document. I can think of lots of things that I
> could do.
> I have a method in the UNO module called EnumerateEnumeratsions, which,
> given a name, will print the names and associated values.
> On 2018-07-23 11:14, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> Thanks.
> I downloaded your OOME_4_0 document and I found it there. I was kind of
> hoping LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice had its own constants so compatibility
> mode hasn't to be used, but not much to do about that, I guess.
> I already use a couple of constants when working with spreadsheets, for
> instance and the others, but I haven't
> seen a list of all of those.
> Thanks for replying.
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> 2018-07-23 16:17 GMT+02:00 Andrew Pitonyak <>:
>> I have not looked at the predefined constants in a while, and I do not
>> remember how I got my list, but it was probably by reading the code.
>> WARNING: I am about to tell you to download a document containing macros.
>> The document looks just fine if you tell it to disable macros, but, it is a
>> document about macro programming and almost every one of those macros is
>> contained in libraries in the document. So, feel free to not enable them,
>> but you will not be able to click on the buttons in the document to test
>> run the contained macros.
>> Navigate here:
>> Download Macros Explained V4 (or just click on this link)
>> Open the document and search for the text "vbNewLine". This should land
>> you in table 10 Visual Basic-compatible string constants. This table lists
>> 9 of this type of constant, but, they are only available if you enable
>> "compatibility mode" using "Option Compatible" in the module, or, by
>> calling CompatibilityMode(True) in your code before you use these specific
>> constants.
>> And no, I do not have an exhaustive list of defined constants. The
>> constants defined by the UNO object model, you can obtain using a macro,
>> but I do not think that it is directly related to your question so I will
>> not spend time finding the code that does that; but it is in the document
>> linked above.
>> And yes, Pi is a defined constant in LO Basic.
>> Hope this helped at least a little.
>> On 2018-07-22 16:26, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I have done some searching and finally I found this at
>>> ” Basic predefines several constants. Among the most useful
>>> are:
>>>    - True and False, for Boolean assignment statements
>>>    - PI as a type Double numeric value”
>>> I assume this is true for LibreOffice as well, but I can't find the rest
>>> of
>>> the ”several constants”.
>>> At work a use Excel (I don't really want to and it's full of bugs, but at
>>> least I get paid…) and I wrote some macros in VBA. VBA has a lot of
>>> predefined constants, for instance vbNewLine and a lot more, and I'm now
>>> trying to find out what constants are available in LibreOffice Basic,
>>> since
>>> LibreOffice is what I use exclusively at home, so I don't have to
>>> reinvent
>>> the wheel.
>>> So a link to a list of ALL predefined Basic constants would be very
>>> appreciated.
>>> Kind regards
>>> Johnny Rosenberg
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