krackedpress wrote
> I finally looked into creating the OXT file[s] for my color palettes SOC 
> files.
> I would like some users to install it and see if it works with your
> systems.
> ...

Hi Tim,

Testing on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit en-US with
Version: (x64)
Build ID: 9d0f32d1f0b509096fd65e0d4bec26ddd1938fd3
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0; UI render: GL; 
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: group threaded

The OXT loads without issue and the extension including the plain text XML
.soc file is dropped into the uno_packages for the current user %APPDATA

Extension installs for current user, no apparent way to adjust to install
for all users.

Removes without issue , and a cache cleanup after restart deletes the entry
in the uno_packages directory.

The .SOC file can be copied, and continues to work, to the default palette
directory in the install directory, e.g. C:\Program

The full palette loads into Draw's Color Bar once it has been set as in the
color picker run in another module. 

The XML looks fine, but I would probably split line #14 to get that block of
LO colors onto their own lines.  With ~1400 colors, the extra lines are no
big deal but it improves readability of the color table.

All in all, looks to be a functional extension, if overwhelming.


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