Thank you Alan and Steve.  I was not printing to a PDF, but that could have been a later nightmare.  Where my mindset was wrong was that I thought that the mousing a section WAS the define.  So I clicked on define, then moused, then had nothing.  I just tried your method Steve and it worked.  My vendor in Canada will receive my limited spreadsheet shortly!

Thank you,

On 10/18/21 5:51 PM, Alan B wrote:
I hasn't been mentioned if the OP is printing to PDF, and my bad for never
reporting the bug, but using LibreOffice File>Export as PDF or the Export
Directly as PDF icon causes EVERYTHING on all tabs to print to the PDF no
matter what print range might be specified, no matter if the print ranges
are deleted then selected anew. EVERYTHING gets dumped into a PDF.

Need to be certain the OP isn't using the PDF feature. If they are, that is
the source of the problem.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:38 PM Steve Edmonds <>

Hi John.
What version of Libreoffice are you on.
When you say you want to print a section of a sheet, is that a single
section on just one sheet or sections of multiple sheets.

For me on a single sheet, sometimes the print range has some history
from previous activity.
I go Format>Print Ranges>Clear to start.
Then I highlight the range to print with the mouse and go Format>Print

Then I go to File>Print Preview to see how many pages that selected
range will print on, and if necessary adjust the top -/+ slider or page
format to suit my needs.

On 18/10/2021 16:12, John R. Sowden wrote:
In an "office" program, I made the foolish assumption that people
would understand that SS means Spread Sheet.  I apologize to those who
did not grasp that.

The version of Thunderbird is 13.0 (32 bit).  Again I assumed that the
instructions for a common function, that of printing a section of a SS
(see reference above) would not change from version to version.
Again, I apologize to those who were confused about the stability of
user interfaces.


On 10/16/21 8:07 AM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 10/15/21 8:25 PM, John R. Sowden wrote:
I went to Format->Print Range--> define.  Failed
Went to Help (when all else fails) read, follow instructions, blank
screen (no examples)


What do you mean by SS? Which component of LibreOffice are you using?
What version of LibreOffice are you using?


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