Hi John,

John Kaufmann schrieb am 15.10.2022 um 19:45:

Anchoring an entity (frame, box, image, ...) is done with respect to position references:
     Paragraph area
     Paragraph text area
     Left paragraph border
     Right paragraph border
     Left page border
     Right page border
     Entire page
     Page text area

Please use a current daily build. The wording has changed.

"Entire page" = "Left of page text area" + "Page text area" + "Right of page text area".

"Entire paragraph area" = "Left of paragraph text area" + "Paragraph text area" + "Right of paragraph text area".

The "Left of page text area" is the sum of "Gutter" (if left) + "left page margin" + "page border left" + "page padding left" as set in the page properties dialog.

The "Left of paragraph text area" is the sum of "Indent before" + "paragraph border" + "paragraph padding" as set in the paragraph properties dialog.

Notice, that the column distance is not included in the "Entire paragraph area".

Left, Center and Right use areas as reference.
"From left" takes the left edge of the area as reference line.

You should insert a small image and test the various positions.

In general the preview illustration describes it correctly. But some bugs exist.

When using anchor "to character" you get some additional references. Anchor "as character" has its own set of references. For testing these anchors use a large font size, a line with different font sizes, a large line spacing and a small image.

I'll sent you a document with some lines to indicate the horizontal areas. In addition I will sent you an older document which I have created for the ODF TC. Describing the reference areas is still a not solved task in the ODF TC. A problem in all that descriptions is that common using of terms like "margin" and "border" does not correspond to the technical attributes "fo:margin" and "fo:border".

It would be really good to get a document with all that reference areas and lines explained. I do not mean a technical one with ODF attributes but a document for users about the kind of positioning possible in LibreOffice.

Kind regards

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