Ed Lauzier <elauzi...@perlstar.com> writes:

> Hi Dave,
> I found the section where the static buffer is defined.
> I'm thinking on the best way to handle this for the patch.
> Having a static buffer is fine especially for the size it is.
> Properly handling variables that exceed this limit is where
> the issue is. I'll work on it and get back to thru the bug
> tracking system.


I suspect there are fixed buffers in multiple places which limit the
values, probably defined as MAX_STRING_SIZE.  You probably want to
handle arbitrary-length strings with the dstring library
<http://arc.liv.ac.uk/SGE/adoc/libuti.html#uti-dstring> if that doesn't
require wholesale changes.  I don't remember quite how the environment
passing is all done, but I can check and advise if it's helpful (which
might solve my puzzlement at it changing since 6.2u5).

I'm still intrigued about what generates the huge values.

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