Am 15.01.2014 um 23:28 schrieb Allison Walters:

> We have OpenMP jobs that need a user-defined (usually more than one but less 
> than all) number of cores on a single node for each job.  In addition to 
> running these jobs, our program has an interface to the cluster so they can 
> submit jobs through a custom GUI (and we build the qsub command in the 
> background for the submission).  I'm trying to find a way for the job to 
> request those multiple cores that does not depend on the cluster to be 
> configured a certain way, since we have no control as to whether the client 
> has a parallel environment created, how it's named, etc...

This is not in the paradigm of SGE. You can only create a consumable complex, 
attach it to each exechost and request the correct amount for each job, even 
serial ones (by a default of 1). But in this case, the memory requests (or 
other) won't be multiplied, as SGE always thinks it's a serial job. But then 
you replace the custom PE by a custom complex.

> Basically, I'm just looking for the equivalent of -l nodes=[count]

Wouldn't it be: -l nodes=1:ppn=[count]

For -l nodes=[count] it's like SGE's allocation_rule $round_robin or $fill_up - 
depending on a setting somewhere in Torque (i.e. for all types of job the same 
will be applied all the time). It could spawn more than a node in either case.

-- Reuti

> in PBS/Torque, or -n [count] in LSF, etc...  The program will use the correct 
> number of cores we pass to it, but we need to pass that parameter to the 
> cluster as well to ensure it only gets sent to a node with the correct amount 
> of cores available.  This works fine in the other clusters we support but I'm 
> completely at a loss as to how to do it in Grid Engine.  I feel like I must 
> be missing something!  :-)
> Thank you.
> -Allison
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