[sorry for the (possibly) double post, they changed the mail server at the 
university and now my mail application got confused and uses often a wrong smtp 
server – not the one it claims to use]


> Am 26.08.2019 um 14:15 schrieb Dietmar Rieder <dietmar.rie...@i-med.ac.at>:
> Hi,
> may be this is a stupid question, but I'd like to limit the used/usable
> number of cores to the number of slots that were reserved for a job.
> We often see that people reserve 1 slot, e.g. "qsub -pe smp 1 [...]"
> but their program is then running in parallel on multiple cores. How can
> this be prevented? Is it possible that with reserving only one slot a
> process can not utilize more than this?

Can't you just kill their jobs? They will learn to comply with the site's 

This can of course also happen by accident as applications like Gaussian or 
ORCA have the number of to be used cores inside the input file (although 
Gaussian has nowadays a command line option for it too).

We use a job generator which will also copy at runtime an "adjusted" input file 
for the job to $TMPDIR and uses this one. Hence whatever the users put inside 
the input file: the number of slots will be corrected in the copy of the input 
file to the number of granted slots. Let me know if you would like to get them.

-- Reuti

> I was told the this should be possible in slurm (which we don't have,
> and to which we don't want to switch to currently).
> Thanks
> Dietmar
> -- 
> _________________________________________
> D i e t m a r  R i e d e r, Mag.Dr.
> Innsbruck Medical University
> Biocenter - Institute of Bioinformatics
> Email: dietmar.rie...@i-med.ac.at
> Web:   http://www.icbi.at
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