On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 11:10:40PM +0000, Mun Johl wrote:
> [Mun] In order to use ssh -X for our jobs that require an X11 window to be 
> pushed to a user's VNC display, I am planning on the following changes.  But 
> please let me know if I have missed something (or everything).
> 1. Update the global configuration with the following parameters:
>      rsh_command         /usr/bin/ssh -X
>      rsh_daemon          /usr/sbin/sshd -i

As you are using the pam_sge-qrsh-setup.so you will need to set
rsh_daemon to point to a rshd-wrapper which you should find in
$SGE_ROOT/util/resources/wrappers eg if $SGE_ROOT is /opt/sge

rsh_command /usr/bin/ssh -X
rsh_daemon /opt/sge/util/resources/wrappers/rshd-wrapper

> 2. Use a PAM module to attach an additional group ID to sshd.  The following 
> line will be added to /etc/pam.d/sshd on all SGE hosts:
>       auth required /opt/sge/lib/lx-amd64/pam_sge-qrsh-setup.so
> 3. Do I need to restart all of the SGE daemons at this point?

No it should be fine without a restart

> 4. In order to run our GUI app, launch it thusly:
>       $ qrsh -now no wrapper.tcl

That looks fine, assuming sensible default resource requests, although
obviously I don't know the details of the wrapper or application.


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