Am 07.12.2017 um 10:31 schrieb Ruben Laguna:
In the Groovy in Action book, chapter 8.4.5 says "Category method
names can well take the form of property accessors (pretending
property access), operator methods, and GroovyObject methods. MOP hook
methods cannot be added through a category class. This is a
restriction as of Groovy 2.4. The feature may become available in
later versions."

It interpreted this as meaning that I can add getProperty,
getMetaClass, invokeMethod to a class using categories but not
methodMissing or propertyMissing.

"MOP hook methods" means here getProperty, getMetaClass, invokeMethod and setProperty. MEaning you cannot override those using a category. methodMissing and propertyMissing should work

bye Jochen

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