Np, with the number of annotations in Groovy it's easy to overlook one - see if this one (or e.g. @MapConstructor does everything that you had in mind...

On 31/05/2020 20:22, wrote:

On 31. 5. 2020, at 6:37 PM, MG < <>> wrote: Inhowfar would that differ from the existing map based argument support, like @NamedVariant etc ( <>, respectively what is your intention here ?

Ha, I must be completely blind and dumb, too — I did check, but somehow, I completely overlooked that ASTT!

Thanks, will test the thing, probably it's precisely what I wanted to do.

All the best,

On 31/05/2020 12:45, OCsite wrote:
Hi there,

for both convenience and considerably improved source readability and robustness, I am considering an ASTT which would convert positional arguments to named ones, i.e., something like

@Named foo(bar,int bax=666,List baz) {
  ... whatever ...

turned to something like

foo(Map __map=null) {
  def bar=__map?.bar
  int bax=__map?.bax==null?666:__map?.bax
  List baz=__map?.baz
  ... whatever ...

In farther future with my own typechecking script it might even allow to typecheck named arguments, though that might prove a bit at the difficult side — but technically possible.

Has anybody tried something like that before? If so, bumped into some hidden pitfalls perhaps?


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