Yep, in this case, it is true. We used to use a rules engine, IBM JRules, we 
retired it years ago and converted all of the rules into Groovy. It cost 
6-figures annual support, forced us to use Oracle Weblogic, was extremely slow, 
took a huge effort to map the data model into it so you could write 
"English-like statements with it" and the whole "point" of it is that 
non-developers could theoretically update it. Except programming is not hard 
because learning Java/Groovy syntax is hard. The hard part is figuring out what 
to do, regression testing, making it perform well, etc. So ultimately the 
business farmed all of the edits out to the programmers, so instead of 
programming in code, we program in some drag and drop interface with a 
proprietary Eclipse plugin that only ran in an obsolete version of Eclipse and 
it took 30 minutes to "compile". It's been a few years, but when I looked at 
things like Drools, which looks closest to JRules I didn't see a drastic 
difference to the architecture. In fact, that was the reason why we introduced 
Groovy into the engine, now we have 1000s of Groovy files using STC for 
performance and now rule engine times are in milliseconds instead of seconds 
execution times. And we have a DSL syntax created that emulated the same 
structure of the rules so we could largely copy/paste the code or generated 
code into when {} then {} clauses. Except now it's all "real" code meaning we 
get compile-time safety, find usages in IDE, refactoring, debugger, etc.

But, in the end, we still needed to have some data tables outside of the 
structure, that the non-technical business stakeholders can and do maintain. 
But there is some idea to be able to add simple expressions to that. Not to go 
as far as a Drools decision table. But maybe. Even if we end up "re-inventing 
the wheel" a little bit, we're still in a much better place.

I have had the thought of going all out and being able to upload entire Groovy 
files as rules, then it really is like a rules engine. But it comes back to the 
same problem - who is going to be editing this code, and this code is not going 
to be in the IDE environment, using version control, etc. So, I expect this 
still to be quite simple. Hence the choice of SPEL as alternative. But Groovy 
has option of getting arbitrary complex, if we wish. I especially like creating 
DSLs meant to be used with command chains and it would be a good ability. Based 
on several responses here and no explicit warning from Jochen, it sounds like 
we're not "abusing" Groovy to compile perhaps 100s of very small scripts. While 
they can change on demand, it's likely not more than once a week. So 
compilation time is not a concern. It's only a concern of metaspace overhead 
(we are still on Java 8... but we do have a big heap) and execution performance.


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From: Edmond Kemokai <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: Groovy as expression parser

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What you're building is a decision table, a common component in business 
applications. I am not familiar with SPEL but it sounds like it will probably 
serve your needs without the need for a full fledged programming environment.

You could also look into the various rules engines available for the JVM that 
address the same problem.<>


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