Op zaterdag 3 januari 2015 21:35:32 schreef ghalvor...@hushmail.com:
> When I perform the telnet 80 test, I get a "501 Not Implemented", but the
> wget command pulls the index.html correctly.  I never trust a web browser
> when diagnosing a web page because they like to cache web files.  I used
> telnet to simulate a web browser request, as explained in a blog, but it is
> apparently wrong...

When you use "telnet something 80" that something, when it is a name, does not 
appear in the communication with your web server, only the IP address is used, 
which is needed to end up in a named virtual host. So in this case you always 
ends up in the default web site of your apache configuration.
When you use wget something/... that something, when it is a name, will appear 
in the communication and apache will use that name to find the named virtual 

When testing different virtual named hosts on the same system I define these 
names, like example.com, www.example.com, etc. in /etc/hosts pointing to You can always use the reconnect icon of the web browser to get a 
fresh version of the page you are accessing. Never had any problem with that.


Freek de Kruijf

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