Hello all,
I am using FreeBSD 5.0 DP1 and I have success with NFS over IPv6 networks.
My objective at this moment is to test NFS over mixed IPv4-IPv6 scenarios. For that purpose I have two situations:
1)    IPv4 server ---------- Transition mechanism --------- IPv6 client
I use as Transition mechanism the NAT-PT and I have connectivity between IPv6 and IPv4 machines.
After configure the IPv4 NFS server, I've mounted the IPv6 NFS client ("mount odyssey6:/test /test_tmp"), and the following message is reported:
    "[udp6] odyssey6:/test: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: (unknown error code)"
where "odyssey6" is the name of the IPv4 server and "/test" is the shared directory.
2)    IPv4 client ---------- Transition mechanism --------- IPv6 server
I use as Transition mechanism the NAT-PT and I have connectivity between IPv6 and IPv4 machines.
After configure the IPv6 NFS server, I've mounted the IPv4 NFS client ("mount vostok:/test /test_tmp"), and the following message is reported:
    "[udp] vostok:/test: RPCPROG_MNT: RPC: Timed out"
where "vostok" is the name of the IPv6 server and "/test" is the shared directory.
Do you think that the problem is relative to NAT-PT, or is relative to the NFS service? What is the meaning of the reported messages?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
António Amaral

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