Fantastic piece of work! The navigation menu improves accessibility very

Additionally I would love to see the documentation in a downloadable (PDF)
format, perhaps we can set up a build pipeline for that?



On 16 June 2015 at 08:48, Dan Haywood <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Over the last month or so I've been reworking the Isis website, to:
> - consolidate our "how-to" documentation into a comprehensive user guide
> [1]
> - provide a corresponding reference guide [2]
> - rework from Markdown to Asciidoctor
> I've pushed the updated site this morning.   The home page [3] is
> substantially the same, but the documentation page [4] has been overhauled
> and simplified with big prominent buttons to the two new guides.
> So you know, these guides do reference some feature in 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT, so
> if you are working on 1.8.0 and can't find something that's discussed,
> that'll be why.  (Releasing 1.9.0 is the next thing on my todo list).
> The guides are mostly complete, though there are still some placeholders
> here and there.  I decided to release them in their current state because
> even slightly unfinished I think they are far better than what we had
> before.
> Feedback welcome, as ever.
> Thx
> Dan
> PS: The source for all this is in our git repo [5], and can be built
> locally [6].  Pull requests welcome!
> PPS: if you don't see any changes, then force reload of the page (ctrl-R or
> similar).
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]

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