> On 24 November 2015 at 19:02, Kevin Meyer <ke...@kmz.co.za> wrote:
>> I've added the project to github on [1]. Sorry - I've not put much effort
>> into consolidating the menu/service actions, most of them are visible even
>> when not appropriate.
>> I've implemented the "convert and send as file" as a service at [2].
>> For convenience, I've created a fixture script.
>> After loading the fixture, go to "Reports" and use "Find First" to get a
>> report[3], then choose "Print as Html" - which fails with the exception.
>> "Print As Latex" just returns a String.
OK, so this is pretty obscure, but the good news is that there are easy
workarounds to the problem.

This code fails:

              public Object download() { return new Clob(...); }

but this code will work:

              public Clob download() { return new Clob(...); }

(ie specify Clob not Object as return type)

and so will:

              public Object download(String filename) { return new
Clob(...); }

(ie take at least 1 argument).

The issue is down to the way in which we set up the Wicket viewer's Ajax
handlers; downloadable objects with no-args have to be dealt with in a
certain way, and we look at the action signature to try to guess.

I've raised a ticket [6] to see if we can support all the cases, but I
don't see it as a high priority to fix.


PS: probably tangential to what you are working on, but the isisaddons has
a docx module [7] for mail merges.  And Jeroen experimented with xdocreport
[8], which looks simpler still; we will probably make a very minimal module
around that, too.

[6] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1264
[7] https://github.com/isisaddons/isis-module-docx
[8] https://github.com/opensagres/xdocreport

>> Kevin Meyer
>> Ljubljana, Slovenia

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