On 12/23/2015 05:37 PM, Dan Haywood wrote:
try either:

- domainapp-admin/pass
- isis-module-security-admin/pass

Both result in an exception. Does it matter how to start the application? I did a "mvn jetty:run -D jetty.port=9090".

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm$1.lookupUser(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:155) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm$1.execute(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:146) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm$1.execute(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:143) at org.apache.isis.core.runtime.system.transaction.IsisTransactionManager.executeWithinTransaction(IsisTransactionManager.java:216) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm.doExecute(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:226) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm.execute(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:217) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm.lookupPrincipal(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:143) at org.isisaddons.module.security.shiro.IsisModuleSecurityRealm.doGetAuthenticationInfo(IsisModuleSecurityRealm.java:82) at org.apache.shiro.realm.AuthenticatingRealm.getAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticatingRealm.java:568) at org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.ModularRealmAuthenticator.doSingleRealmAuthentication(ModularRealmAuthenticator.java:180) at org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.ModularRealmAuthenticator.doAuthenticate(ModularRealmAuthenticator.java:267) at org.apache.shiro.authc.AbstractAuthenticator.authenticate(AbstractAuthenticator.java:198)

On 23 December 2015 at 16:35, Erik de Hair <e.deh...@pocos.nl> wrote:

Hi Martin,

I tried to use the quickstart-app to reproduce the issue but I can't login
with the provided username/password combination. I looks like the
credentials are correct in the AdminUser-fixture script. Do I need to start
the user seed somehow?


On 12/11/2015 04:33 PM, Erik de Hair wrote:

On 12/09/2015 08:31 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

Hi Erik,

What kind of button is this ?
To me it looks like this is the "OK" button from the
ActionParametersFormPanel.java, i.e. the OK button for a Modal window
you enter the parameters for an @Action

Line"boolean succeeded =
actionExecutor.executeActionAndProcessResults(target, form);" is
responsible to call your action method. I don't see how this code will be
executed if there is an error like the one below.

Please try to reproduce it in a mini app.

Ok, I'll try to do that.

Thank you!

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 8:53 AM, Erik de Hair <e.deh...@pocos.nl> wrote:

Hi Martin,
On 12/04/2015 02:15 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:

Hi Erik,
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 2:50 PM, Erik de Hair <e.deh...@pocos.nl>

ListenerInvocationNotAllowedExceptionBehavior rejected interface

invocation. Component: [AjaxButton [Component id = okButton]]
[RequestListenerInterface name=IBehaviorListener, method=public
void org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener.onRequest()]


This exception means that Wicket cannot execute #onSubmit() method for

AjaxButton because the button is either disabled or invisible.

So, the button is rendered by Isis/Wicket and *after* that its
(visibility and/or enable) is being changed. Clicking on it in the UI
a call to the server but Wicket refuses to execute the method.

It does actually completely execute the method.
So you think this could occur when an action is executed for which the
button would be rendered (enabled) before the method was executed, but
would be disabled/hidden after method execution because of changed

We will need a mini application that reproduces the problem to be able
help you.

If you expect the above assumption is correct I wil try to reproduce

Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

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