> This means that in case, I do a save() operation, and the system crashes
> before the checkin() happens, the next time I bring up the server, I would
> get the non checked-in version (unless of course I do a restore())?

> Also, if on bringing up the server, without doing a server, and then making
> changes, I save and checkin successfully, the version that I wanted to
> checkin (but couldn't because of the crash) will be lost right?

> I am just curious.  Would this mean that in my CMS, every time I bring up
> the server, do I see to it that all the versionable nodes are restored to
> their base versions, if the versioned data is very important to me?  I want
> to make sure this is recommended, so that I can proceed with this
> implementation.  Or is there any other solution?
> Also, just a small thought.  Wouldn't it be more convenient if, for
> versionable nodes, a save() operation ALSO did the checkin as well?  Or are
> there some issues with this?

The versioning does not work that way. whenever you save() the state
of an item it is persisted to the underlying datastructure independent
if the node is versionable or not. so if your server crashes after you
saved the item, it won't be lost.

you only need versioning if you want to be able to archive and restore
former versions of content.
usually node are not versioned every time there is a modification, but
at the end of more highlevel step, i.e. after you're done making all
modifications to several nodes and properties of a CMS page, before
publishing, etc.

regards, toby
-----------------------------------------< [EMAIL PROTECTED] >---
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------< http://www.day.com >---

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