
Can you please look into the following problem

I am using jackrabbit and have enabled FileDataStore and using MSSQLPersistenceManager.

while Add content I am getting WARNING

[SearchIndex] Exception while creating document for node: 956eb525-e81f-4a4e-9037-f193d6080e5f: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: Missing child node entry for node with id: 956eb525-e81f-4a4e-9037-f193d6080e5f

And While Finding the content I am getting ERROR

 Item not found; nested exception is javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException:
failed to build path of *64ab495a-c093-4a89-8b86-b9973dd647b6 *: *85f65e81-6eed-4c04-8fb5-2e44952b177f* has no child entry for 64ab495a-c093-4a89-8b86-b9973dd647b6

I have gone through MSSQL Database tables and found a row with
_/NODE_ID/_ --- *64AB495AC0934A898B86B9973DD647B6* _/BUNDLE_DATA/_ --- 020000040000000401*85F65E816EED4C048FB52E44952B177F*000A2D373633393437373734FFFFFFFF

which is very much same as the nodeid being search for. But the nodeId present in database doesnot have hyphens and all the characters are Caps. That is the problem for the ERROR.

What should I configure to ignore the case-difference and hyphens.

Please help me in this situation.

Sunil Dhage

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