Hi all,

I have downloaded the latest stable server release, and can browse to the repository, and can run the first hop from the first hops instructions. From there I run into a couple of problems.

If I try to run the hop 2 example I get "Exception in thread "main" javax.jcr.LoginException: LoginModule ignored Credentials"

Thinking maybe I missed a step that wasn't outlined in the hops, I clicked "populate" on the web page for Jackrabbit on localhost, and get the following:

Error while accessing the repository: LoginModule ignored Credentials
Check the configuration or use the easy setup <http://localhost:8080/admin/> wizard.

Clicking "easy setup" gives me:

Problem accessing /admin/. Reason: NOT_FOUND

I've searched the online and the mail archives for this list and found one post concerning the last issue from back in February 2012, which doesn't seem to have been answered. There are a few hits on the web for the "LoginModule ignored Credentials" issue, but the various resolutions seem to be related to problems in the application being built to use Jackrabbit. I'm not quite up to that stage yet, and I assume the first hops stuff shouldn't have those sorts of issues.

Can anyone shed any light on where I'm going wrong?


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