I have a system that does conneg and returns different bodies for
SELECT statements, we don't support UPDATE but if we did I suspect
that we would also return different bodies in that case.

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 03/12/12 12:44, Simon Gábor wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> According to the SPARQL Update protocol recommendation:
>> "The response body of a successful update request is implementation
>> defined. Implementations *may* use HTTP content negotiation to provide
>> both
>> human-readable and machine-processable information about the completed
>> update request."
>> How can i specify accept header in the SPARQL Update request? I cannot
>> find
>> a way in UpdateProcessor (UpdateProcessRemote) or in UpdateRequest.
> Simon,
> There currently isn't a way to do that and also the .execute() operation
> does not return anything.  Errors appear as exceptions driven from the HTTP
> response code.
> What had you in mind?
> I don't know of any systems currently that return different entity bodies
> based on conneg.  Are there any?
> The reason in the spec for "MAY" is that there is no standard format for a
> reply. RDFa, RDF, JSON [1] (why have an RDF processor when you send a
> string?) all make sense in different scenarios.
>         Andy
> [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-http-problem-01

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