
Thanks for your interest.

I know that hasNext() executes the query. When I debug, I see that only one
http request is sent to the sparql endpoint. Then, I think the first result
should take long time if there is only one http request. However, it takes
long time to get all results, but not the first one.


2013/2/28 Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org>

> On 28/02/13 09:13, Burak Yönyül wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having a problem about ARQ's parse time of a big result set. (ARQ
>> version 2.9.4)
>> I execute two queries which produce similar result sets. I attached them.
> Attachements lost.  This list does not support attachments.
> You weren't subscribed to the list - I have bcc'ed you on this reply but
> you need to subscribe to send and receive messages.
> Answer below:
>  The first one contains a filter block ("one_of_filter" type) and returns
>> around 9000 results. On the other hand, the second one doesn't have a
>> filter block and has a limit element to produce same number of results
>> with the former query. (Not the same results, but only the same result
>> count)
>> The problem is that it takes 60 seconds to parse the result of the first
>> query while it only takes 0.4 seconds to parse the result of the second
>> query. I'm executing these queries on a sparql endpoint of drugbank
>> dataset which is loaded on a local 4Store server. ( Here's the link to
>> download considered drugbank dataset:
>> https://docs.google.com/file/**d/0B3zcaLjQc0_**yaEdsTUdxQ1ZJc28/edit?usp=
>> **sharing<https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3zcaLjQc0_yaEdsTUdxQ1ZJc28/edit?usp=sharing>
>> )
>> I execute the query with the code given below:
>> QueryExecution queryExecution =
>> QueryExecutionFactory.**sparqlService("http://**localhost:8000/sparql/<http://localhost:8000/sparql/>",
>> query);
>> ResultSet resultSet = queryExecution.execSelect();
>> while (resultSet.hasNext()) { resultSet.next(); ... }
>> Reading the first result of two queries take similar times. But reading
>> the all result set of the first query takes a long time. Do you have any
>> idea why parsing two queries are different?
> They don't take the same time - queryExecution.execSelect does not
> complete the query - it sets it up.
> ARQ is streaming and does nto take a copy of the results on execSelect.
> It reads the results are pulled in hasNext.  The server is taking 60s for
> the more expensive query presumably because it needs to scan a lot more
> results to filter out the down to 9000.  There are optimizations that you
> can do on ?x IN (...) (if that is what a one_of_filter is) but I don't know
> if 4Store does them, or can given it's architecture.
> Try this:
> ResultSet resultSet = queryExecution.execSelect();
> resultSet = ResultSetFactory.copyResult(**resultSet) ;
> to consume the data immediately before starting the loop.
>         Andy
>> Best Regards,
>> Burak Yönyül

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