On 28/02/13 12:44, Burak Yönyül wrote:
Hi Andy,

Count query is executed in 20 miliseconds and it returns 71019 as count.

The basic pattern and count does not touch the values of the variables. So I'm inclined to think that the filter is the costly part.

As I understand you, the query result is calculated when the http
request is sent in hasNext(). But, the results are not sent back to me
immediatly. The results are sent to me as long as I read them with
hasNext(). Am I right?

looks like the server has to go through a lot of the results of the pattern matching, testing against the FILTER, between

If you want to explore what's going on,

1/ use a FILTER that is much shorter (10% of the length, say) and see what happens. This will not get you the right results but will yield information as to what 4Store might be doing.

Printing the elapsed time at various points is more info.

2/ QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService is recreating the query - that might be a little slow.

3/ The elapsed time each time round the while loop - is it the same amount of time each time or is it variable?



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