On 01/11/13 17:11, Qi He wrote:

After call model.read("http://dbpedia.org/data/The_Adventures_of_Tom_Sawyer.

It show error message: JSON Values given for properties for an Object must
be Strings

It actully gives the line and column number of the error together with a stacktrace.

In JSON file, some value are number not string, I can't change
the JSON file. how could I parse number value?

The data does not conform to RDF/JSON:


is a copy of the original Talis description and


is the text that will become the RDF Working Group Note.

Directly using numbers is not allowed. The dbpedia.org response is not conformant.

You choices would seem to be:

1/ Read into and string, fix up, then read from that string
2/ Ask for a different format like Turtle
3/ Take the jena sourcecode and change it - the stack trace gives the right place to change.



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