On 25/02/14 19:41, Heidi McClure wrote:
I have an existing TDB data store that I would like to create a spatial index 
for.  Are there utilities or API's to do this?

jena.spatialindexer creates an index - but also when you load data into a spatial dataset, it gets indexed automatically when configured ...

I have successfully followed the examples for reading in from .ttl files and 
creating the TDB and spatial index data at the same time.

My TDB has GeoSPARQL nodes in it like:

<http://issinc.com/events#event_901112240019> <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#asWKT> 
"POINT(1.7488388 40.05863)"^^<http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktLiteral>

You'll need to configure in the JTS library


(and I'm going on the documentation here...)

You will need to configure the EntityDefinition to correspond to the data.



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