At the end I decide to take a shortcut that also might help explain what
I want:

|private URI rdfLiteralToUri(String literal) { int xsdIndex =
literal.lastIndexOf("^^"); if (xsdIndex == -1) { throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Not valid literal format"); } String uriStr =
literal.substring(0, xsdIndex); String type = literal.substring(xsdIndex
+ 2, literal.length()); if
(!XSDDatatype.XSDanyURI.getURI().equals(type)) { throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Not valid literal type"); } return
URI.create(uriStr); } |

On 11/01/2017 16:42, George News wrote:

> On 11/01/2017 16:25, Chris Dollin wrote:
>> On 11/01/17 14:55, George News wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have this literal:
>>> http://hola^^
>> What do you mean by "have"? A String value, a Literal
>> value, or what?
> I want to get http://hola as a String or as a URI. Better as a URI, but
> only if it is conforming with the type linked.
>>> And I want to create a URI from it. Is there any way to do so?
>> And do you want an actual URI object or just its spelling?
>> Because you can get the spelling of the URI using getLexicalForm.
> Literal a = (Literal)
> ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral("http://hola^^";,
> XSDDatatype.XSDanyURI);
> System.out.println(a.getDatatype());
> System.out.println(a.getLexicalForm());
> System.out.println(a.getDatatypeURI());
> System.out.println(a.getString());
> Output:
> Datatype[ -> class]
> http://hola^^
> http://hola^^
> None of them returns "http://hola"; which is the actual URI.
>> Chris

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