On 26/01/17 21:28, tina sani wrote:
Dave, I have read some where that Individual#listOntClasses will only list
one class at one time.

No idea what you mean. It's an Iterator which will iterate over all of the OntClasses, and since it's also an ExtendedIterator it has convenience methods to gather all of the results into a Set or List for you.


And yes employee is individual and programmer, manager and worker are class

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 12:23 AM, Dave Reynolds <dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com>

On 26/01/2017 21:08, tina sani wrote:

Hi Dave, Will this work?

if ((employee1.hasOntClass(programmer)) &&
((employee1.hasOntClass(manager)) &&((employee1.hasOntClass(worker))


Try it and see!

There's not enough there for us to tell for sure. If the variable
employee1 is an Individual and if variables programmer, manager and worker
are all Resources correctly corresponding to your classes then that will
test if that Individual has all three of those classes in the model
(whether asserted or inferred by rules).

To add to my earlier answer, if you have an Individual rather than just
and OntResource then Individual#listOntClasses will enable you to enumerate
the classes conveniently.


On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 11:32 PM, Dave Reynolds <dave.e.reyno...@gmail.com


On 26/01/2017 15:20, tina sani wrote:

How can I get all the classes of which an individual is a type? After
rules executed, my individual has multiple class like:
Employee001 is of type: Worker, Programmer, Manager.

So can I get all these three classes in Jena ? I have read somewhere
getOntClass() only return one class at a time and that is on random

See OntResource#listRDFTypes or, if you just have a Resource then

Resource#listProperties(RDF.type) or, as Charles says, use SPARQL.


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