There are plenty of graph databases that provide the other languages you 
mentioned. Is there some reason why you want to use Jena? Perhaps, as John 
Fereira asked, you will describe your use case.

A. Soroka
The University of Virginia Library

> On Mar 4, 2017, at 8:44 AM, Laura Morales <> wrote:
>> Certainly it would be _possible_ to write an extension for Fuseki that would 
>> do such a thing. It is not in any obvious way part of the current remit for 
>> the Jena project. Are you interested in undertaking that work?
> I would if I knew how to do it, but I wouldn't even know how to approach such 
> a thing... I'm just interested to use a graph database, but I find SPARQL 
> very cumbersome... hence why I asked if there were any chance that a more 
> friendly query language could be supported.

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