Claude's approach isn't Fuseki-specific. You can use the jena-permissions module directly, and that might even be easier. But certainly, GraphListener and DatasetChanges are probably closer already to what you want.


anuj kumar wrote on 10/30/17 5:52 AM:
Hey Claude,
 I am not using Fuseki and thus the solution you propose will not be a
feasible one for me.

 Thanks for the information on GraphListener, DatasetChanges as well as
rdf-patch. I think using these tools I will e able to handle my use cases.
Let me give them a try and see if I stumble upon some rabbit hole.

Anuj Kumar

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Claude Warren <> wrote:

Since you need to detect who changed what the only way I can see to do this
is turn on authentication on Fuseki and track changes made through it.

You could bastardise the permissions layer[1] to do what you want.  The
permissions layer will let you filter down to the actions on the triples,
rather than implementing a SecurityEvaluator to perform the restriction you
could implement it record all changes (including who made them) in any
storage and format you wish.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 11:42 AM, anuj kumar <>

Hi Jena Users,
 I have a query regarding the most effective way to capture changes in
underlying Triple Store.
I have a requirement where:
1. Every time a property of a Node (represented as a Triple Statement)
changes, I also need to generate certain change statements to capture
has changed, who changed it, when it was changed etc.
2. If I delete a Node (represented as a Set of Triples in the RDF
Store), I
need to capture the action DELETE on this node, who deleted the node,
it was deleted etc.

Basically, I need to have a audit trail developed so that I  can create
graph as it was at a given moment in time.

The question is:
1. What is the best way to implement such functionality? Does Jena
such a thing either natively or through some standard mechanism?

*Anuj Kumar*

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