Ryzen 1920X 3.5GHz, 32GB DDR4 quad channel, 3 x M.2 Samsung 960 EVO,
172K/sec 3h45m for truthy.

Is it possible to split the index files into separate folders?

Or sym link the files, if I run the data phase, sym link, then run the
index phase?

Point me in the right direction and I'll extend the TDB file open code.


On 7 Dec 2017 22:21, "Andy Seaborne" <a...@apache.org> wrote:

On 07/12/17 19:01, Laura Morales wrote:

> Thank you a lot Andy, very informative (special thanks for specifying the
> hardware).
> For anybody reading this, I'd like to highlight the fact that the data
> source is "latest-truthy" and not "latest-all".
> From what I understand, truthy leaves out a lot of data (50% ??) and "all"
> is more than 4 billion triples.

4,787,194,669 Triples

Dick reported figures for truthy as well.

I used a *16G* machine, and it is a portable with all it's memory
architecture tradeoffs.

"all" is running ATM - it will be much slower due to RAM needs of
tdbloader2 for the data phase.  Not sure the figures will mean anything for

I'd need a machine with (guess) 32G RAM which is still a small server these

(A similar tree builder technique could be applied to the node index and
reduce the max RAM needs but - hey, ho - that's free software for you.)


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