Which is s-put in Jena:

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 10:36 PM, Martynas Jusevičius <marty...@atomgraph.com
> wrote:

> I think what you want is to import each RDF document into a named graph
> and then do Graph Store Protocol PUT with the graph URI:
> https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-http-rdf-update/#http-put
> On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 8:31 PM, Jeffrey C. Witt <jeffreycw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have a question about updating triples in TDB via Fueseki.
>> I have a work flow where I automatically build tripes through an
>> aggregator.
>> The results of this aggregation get stored in various named static files.
>> I then use then the "./s-post" command to add each of these files to TDB.
>> The static files get changed at different times depending on the rate of
>> updates further on upstream, and thus I'm wondering if there is a way to
>> update TDB by replacing only the triples that were ingested from a
>> particular file with the triples from the updated file.
>> Perhaps an example will help.
>> Suppose I have files A.rdf, B.rdf, and C.rdf.
>> On the initial build, I load all three files into TDB as follows:
>> ./bin/s-post http://localhost:3030/ds/data default A.rdf
>> ./bin/s-post http://localhost:3030/ds/data default B.rdf
>> ./bin/s-post http://localhost:3030/ds/data default C.rdf
>> Now suppose that C.rdf changes. But A.rdf and B.rdf remain the same.
>> At the present, I'm creating an entirely new build by reloading all three
>> files in the same manner.
>> But as the number of files increases, each re-build takes a while.
>> I would prefer to be able to remove only the triples that were originally
>> added to the database from file C.rdf with the triples from the new,
>> updated, C.rdf file, leaving the triples that originated from A.rdf and
>> B.rdf untouched.
>> using ./s-post on the updated C.rdf file just adds the new triples
>> alongside the old ones
>> and
>> using ./s-update replaces the entire graph (including the triples from
>> files A and B) with the triples from the updated C.rdf file.
>> I'm not sure if this is possible, but I wanted to check before I continued
>> my practice or consider other solutions.
>> Many thanks for any assistance you can offer.
>> Jeff
>> --
>> Dr. Jeffrey C. Witt
>> Philosophy Department
>> Loyola University Maryland
>> 4501 N. Charles St.
>> Baltimore, MD 21210
>> www.jeffreycwitt.com

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