On 18/3/18, 6:24 pm, "Laura Morales" <laure...@mail.com> wrote:

    >> For example, when using data from a SPARQL endpoint, what is the accepted
   >> way to retrieve it, store it locally and make it available through user
    >> interface controls?
    >Make a query that returns a jsonld document.

How? Do you have some example code showing how this query is retrieved, dealt 
with locally and made available to an end user through a GUI control?
What I am looking for here is a bridge between what experts glean from reading 
Javadoc and what ordinary people need to use Jena within a GUI based 

I see this kind of example as the missing link that prevents anyone other than 
expert using Jena.
So long as easy to follow examples of how to get from an rdf triplestore to 
information displayed on a screen in a standard GUI way are missing, Jena will 
remain a plaything for expert enthusiasts.



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