On 06/08/18 19:09, Arunkumar Krishnamoorthy wrote:
Hello All,

I am following the link below to write an ARQ extension function,


Please find the query i have given,

PREFIX myfn: <java:samplejena.>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?title ?r
?s rdfs:seeAlso ?r.
OPTIONAL {?r dc:title ?title.}
FILTER ( isURI(?r) &&
myfn:LastModified(?r) >
xsd:dateTime('2005-11-06T00:00:00Z') )

And i execute the following command to run the query for the dataset,

/home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/bin/arq --data
/home/ak/Desktop/dataset.rdf --query /home/ak/Desktop/query.rq

I am getting the error as,

*ak@akrish12:~$* /home/ak/Downloads/apache-jena-3.8.0/bin/arq --data
/home/ak/Desktop/dataset.rdf --query /home/ak/Desktop/query.rq

14:07:07 WARN  ClsLoader            :: Class not found:
14:07:07 WARN  exec                 :: URI <java:samplejena.LastModified>
has no registered function factory
| title | r |

I have added the classpath in the location /home/ak/Documents and the jar
of the file
LastModified in the same location.

Could someone please help me to resolve this issue.

The classapth is set in the "arq" script so take a copy and and edit it. Look for JENA_CP=


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