> 1. I download the jena-spatial-3.8.0.jar and specify that in the classpath:
> $ java -cp jena-spatial-3.8.0.jar jena.spatialindexer 
> --desc=../fuseki-server/run/configuration/mm.ttl 
> Error: Could not find or load main class jena.spatialindexer
The documentation is a bit misleading I'd say. Just having
jena-spatial-3.8.0.jar in the classpath isn't enough and it fails -
indeed with a not helpful message - because other libs like jena-core,
jena-arq, etc are missing. Either you you add the Jena distribution libs
to the default classpath, or you just use the Fuseki server jar as you
already did

> 2. I use the fuseki-server jar:
> $ java -cp fuseki-server.jar jena.spatialindexer 
> --desc=./run/configuration/mm.ttl
> WARN  Custom SpatialContextFactory lib is not ready in 
> classpath:com/vividsolutions/jts/geom/CoordinateSequenceFactory
> org.apache.jena.dboe.transaction.txn.TransactionException: Not in a 
> transaction
Well, Andy knows better. Maybe, the docs are a bit outdated or something
is different when using it in combination with TDB2. Lets wait for a
correct answer.

Lorenz Bühmann
AKSW group, University of Leipzig
Group: http://aksw.org - semantic web research center

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