Hi Claude, thanks for the explanation: from the dataset-as-quads perspective it 
does indeed sound logical that empty graphs do not exist.

Regarding your second answer, I've added some additional information below 
(i.e. these can also be found on the github repo: 
https://github.com/barrynl/jena-example). The SPARQL is executed on the dataset 
described by the conf.ttl below. It does not have a GRAPH specified in the 
query and it would indeed go into the default graph, which is a UnionModel of 
the two in-memory named graphs. Of which the rootGraph should store this new 
data. The details of how I inspect the different graphs can be found in the 
Java code in the link above. If you run this example and inspect the output log 
and 'dataset' variable (and the inner models and graphs) with a debugger, the 
data sometimes shows up and sometimes doesn't. I am trying to understand why... 
Any more ideas?

Regards, Barry

---------------------------------------- SPARQL 
                :test rdf:type pizza:Pizza .
                :test pizza:hasCountryOfOrigin 
<> .
                :test pizza:hasBase <> .
                :test pizza:hasSpiciness <> 
                :test pizza:hasTopping :18-Tomaat .
                :test pizza:hasTopping :18-mozzerella .
                :test pizza:hasTopping :18-rundergehakt .

---------------------------------------- conf.ttl 

@prefix : <#> .
@prefix fuseki: <http://jena.apache.org/fuseki#<http://jena.apache.org/fuseki>> 
@prefix rdf: 
@prefix rdfs: 
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>> .
@prefix ja: 
@prefix xsd: 
<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>>  .

:service1 rdf:type fuseki:Service ;
        fuseki:name "test" ;
        fuseki:serviceQuery "query" ; # SPARQL query service
        fuseki:serviceUpdate "update" ;
        fuseki:serviceUpload "upload" ; # Non-SPARQL upload service
        fuseki:serviceReadWriteGraphStore "data" ; # SPARQL Graph store 
protocol (read and write)
        # A separate read-only graph store endpoint:
        fuseki:serviceReadGraphStore "get" ; # SPARQL Graph store protocol 
(read only)
        fuseki:dataset :dataset .

:dataset rdf:type ja:RDFDataset ;
        ja:defaultGraph :unionModel ;
        [ ja:graphName      <https://www.tno.nl/agrifood/graph/pizza/data> ;
          ja:graph          :itemGraph ] ;
        [ ja:graphName      <https://www.tno.nl/agrifood/graph/pizza/onto> ;
          ja:graph          :ontoGraph ]

:unionModel rdf:type ja:UnionModel ;
        ja:rootModel :itemGraph ;
        ja:subModel :ontoGraph .

:itemGraph rdf:type ja:MemoryModel ;
        ja:content [ ja:externalContent <file:src/main/resources/dummy1.ttl> ] .

:ontoGraph rdf:type ja:MemoryModel ;
        ja:content [ ja:externalContent <file:src/main/resources/dummy2.ttl> ] .

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com>
Sent: donderdag 26 september 2019 12:10
To: users@jena.apache.org
Subject: Re: [UnionModel] question about unexpected behaviour

Empty graphs in Fuseki simply don't exist.  They no more exist than a predicate 
that has not been used.  Named graphs only come into existence when there is at 
least one triple added to it.  If you think about datasets as collections of 
quads (<g> <s> <p> <o>) then you can see that the dataset can only locate 
graphs that have data.  The only other option is that an infinite number of 
graphs exist, in which case listing all the graphs would be impossible.  I am 
sure there is a deep philosophical discussion here but the Jena  rule is that 
if the graph does not have data it does not exist.

As for your second question, you did not give an example of how you inserted 
the data.  If you did not provide a graph name to insert into then the data 
would go into the default graph named "urn:x-arq:DefaultGraph"
(defined in org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Quad.defaultGraphIRI).  If you did 
provide the graph name then the data would be inserted into that graph as your 
debugging shows.  When you say it does not exist in the graph are you referring 
to on disk?  How did you write the data back out?  The UnionModel depends on 
the underlying models to preserve their data.  If those models are in-memory 
models then they will not be written back to disk, if they are TDB models (or 
other similar auto storing models) then they should  be written back to the 
underlying storage.  This assumes that all transactions and other issues are 
correctly handled.


On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:05 AM Nouwt, B. (Barry) <barry.no...@tno.nl.invalid> 

> Hi all,
> I am trying to get the Apache Jena UnionModel working for my scenario,
> but I keep encountering unexpected behavior. I've set up a minimal,
> free-standing example on github in this repository (clone the git
> repo, configure Maven in your IDE and execute the main() method, I.e.
> it probably does not run from the .jar):
>  https://github.com/barrynl/jena-example
> I have two questions related to this example:
> My first question is related to empty graphs in Jena Fuseki. If I load
> the conf.ttl (from the git repo above) at startup in Apache Jena
> Fuseki without the dummy data in the two named graphs, the two graphs
> seem to disappear (I think this does not happen in my Java Example). I
> read somewhere that empty graphs are automatically deleted in Fuseki
> to prevent old graphs from showing up in the Fuseki interface. For my
> use case I would like to configure two (possibly empty at first) named
> graphs via a conf.ttl and be able to store data in them afterwards. Is this 
> possible?
> My second question is about the demonstraded behaviour of the Java
> example in the git repository above. I load a dataset with a
> UnionModel from a conf.ttl file and insert new data in it via SPARQL.
> Although the new data shows up in the select query, it does not show
> up in either of the two names graphs the UnionModel consists of. My
> question is: where is this data stored if not in one of the names
> graphs? (If I inspect the UnionModel via a debugger, the inserted data
> DOES show up in the correct named graph)
> Hopefully someone can shed some light on this behaviour. Thanks in advance!
> Regards, Barry
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