On 27/04/2020 09:49, Meckler, Sascha wrote:
Hi *,
I have a question about Fuseki:

We have a Fuseki server with one dataset for actual data and one dataset with 
reasoning based on the default union graph (=data from first dataset). When I 
insert new data into the first dataset, the inference is not always triggered. 
The reasoning dataset updates only at the first time or when restarting. How 
can we configurate Fuseki to run the inference every time that new data is 
inserted into the first dataset? Or is there a better way to do this?

For forward rules, I think that the data updates have to go through the graph with the inference. Forward rules keep state so if you bypass inference the graph, the state does not get updated.

Backwards rules may notice to some extent - I'm unsure of the details here.

Pellet isn't part of the Apache Jena project.


I created a small demo project with an easy example and additional 
documentation [1]. My student asked on StackOverflow [2] in January but there 
was no answer.

Thank you very much for your help!
Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/smeckler/inference-demo

Sascha Meckler
Data Spaces and IoT Solutions

Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS
Nordostpark 93 | 90411 Nürnberg

Phone +49 911 58061-9614

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