Hey Sascha, Andy,

Here is my blog post:

It may require some polishing but i'd like your feedback, especially if it
can help Sascha to solve his problem. It would be great if you could
replicate my results, and/or confirm that my understanding is correct.

For inference, I've been asking what level of inference people are
> really using. We could have a stateless RDFS-class reasoner that sits on
> any graph/dataset and always goes back to the base data. No, or very
> short term, caching.
> That would be less capable, and slower (but how much? not much in
> practice?) but it will scale, will fit with transactions and data
> visibility, and will see changes in the data as they occur.

This can probably be enough for many use cases (rdf4j does something
similar already, if I understand your suggestion), but what I see more and
more often, and what sometimes I need as well, is some level of support for
owl:sameAs and some other OWL constructs such as owl:equivalentClass and
owl:equivalentProperty. That said, the scalability would make it quite
appealing though, and a simple switch during the dataset creation phase
("add RDFS reasoning?") would make it a very useful feature.

> Knowing the generation of the data seems to me at the moment to be worth
> adding to the dataset interface itself. A simple "what version am I
> looking at?" method. It could be a counter (sequential) or give every
> write transaction a UUID and be able to fetch the generation of the data
> the current read transaction is acting on.

This would also be quite useful in its own right.


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