Dear Martynas,

I think that Jena is more focused on back-end process, may i'm wrong :/...
Perhaps would be better to focus more on JSON-LD that is an improved JSON (+-) 

They already have some javascript implementations for that:
For example:

For me, the use of RDF and its derivatives on application side (Sites, exposing 
APIs ...) should stop now we have jsonld.


1 ) Json is more friendly for web developers!
2 ) Many semantic web tools, like Jena, already supports it ;)
3) JSON is faster and uses fewer resources than its XML counterpart
4) Very easily to boost your SEO. See integration for google

Finally, if they manage to integrate json/jsonld and openapi all together, RDF 
will be really dead for me.

You can check more what is going on with jsonld here:


On 2020/05/15 10:39:07, Martynas Jusevičius <> wrote: 
> Hi,
> RDF JavaScript frameworks are still ~20 years behind Java. So this had
> me thinking for a while -- instead of reinventing the wheel, would it
> be possible to transpile Jena to TypeScript or JavaScript?
> ARQ would probably be my number #1 target, but RIOT would also be useful.
> From what I've found, J2CL seems to be the framework that should be
> able to do it:
> "Java to Closure JavaScript transpiler"
> I haven't tried myself yet, but I know that Saxon-CE (which is now
> deprecated in favor of the native Saxon-JS) was first ported using
> GWT, the predecessor of J2CL.
> Has anyone had similar ideas or done some experiments? Is this realistic at 
> all?
> Martynas

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