Realised I had linked the wrong version, correct link is below:

Apologies for the confusion,


On 18/03/2021, 14:37, "Rob Vesse" <> wrote:


    Think I've shared this before on-list, I produced a slide deck a long time 
ago (2014) that covers this topic more focused on ARQ

    Some of the details have changed in the interim (e.g. new optimizations 
added, default order of optimizations changed etc) but a lot of the core 
material is still relevant

    I would also recommend Pavel's talk that Andy linked, as Andy says it 
covers the need for query authors to frame their queries appropriately but it 
also goes into more depth around some of the core low level implementation 
details of SPARQL engines e.g. join types


    On 18/03/2021, 14:20, "Andy Seaborne" <> wrote:

        On 17/03/2021 22:45, Steve Vestal wrote:
        > I'd like to dig a bit deeper into SPARQL query performance, better 
        > understand how different query formulations affect that, how ARQ 
        > configuration parameters might be used to tune that.  Can anyone 
        > recommend a place to start reading beyond the SPARQL book and 
        > definition?

        Hi Steve,

        It's a bit "it depends on the query.

        There was a presentation recently  and while its not about ARQ, the 
        fundamental point that getting the basic graph pattern matching working 
        efficiently applies.

        Do you have specific queries in mind or is this a general enquiry?


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