Small correction to stack trace from previous email, in case that matters:

Thread [qtp975404820-93] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 305 in BlockMgrJournal))
    owns: NodeTableNative  (id=586)
    owns: DatasetPrefixesTDB  (id=587)
    BlockMgrJournal.checkActive() line: 305
    BlockMgrJournal._promote(Block) line: 220
    BlockMgrJournal.promote(Block) line: 215
    BPTreeRecordsMgr(PageBlockMgr<T>).promote(Page) line: 109
    BPTreeRecords.promote() line: 118
    BPTreeRecords.internalInsert(Record) line: 129
    BPTreeNode.internalInsert(Record) line: 462
    BPTreeNode.insert(BPTreeNode, Record) line: 206
    BPlusTree.addAndReturnOld(Record) line: 323
    BPlusTree.add(Record) line: 315
    NodeTableNative.accessIndex(Node, boolean) line: 154
    NodeTableNative._idForNode(Node, boolean) line: 120
    NodeTableNative.getAllocateNodeId(Node) line: 76
    NodeTableInline(NodeTableWrapper).getAllocateNodeId(Node) line: 39
    NodeTableInline.getAllocateNodeId(Node) line: 50
    NodeTupleTableConcrete.addRow(Node...) line: 85
    DatasetPrefixesTDB.insertPrefix(String, String, String) line: 52
    GraphPrefixesProjection.add(String, String) line: 63
    PrefixMappingAdapter.add(String, String) line: 50
    PrefixMappingAdapter(PrefixMappingBase).setNsPrefix(String, String) line: 124
    PrefixMappingTxn.lambda$0(String, String) line: 35 line: not available
    TxnX.exec(T, TxnType, Runnable) line: 156
    TxnX.executeWrite(T, Runnable) line: 204
    PrefixMappingTxn.setNsPrefix(String, String) line: 35
    ModelCom.setNsPrefix(String, String) line: 965

On 2021-09-07 12:44 pm, Holger Knublauch wrote:
Hi Andy,

with our current migration to Jena 4.1 we noticed this change

is affecting the way that we use TDB (in the "shared TDB aka XDB") mode.

Previously, all named graphs were storing their own prefixes, yet now there seems to be only one prefix mapping for all named graphs, which breaks the assumptions that we made on the Graph API until now.

We need to find a way to restore the old behavior. I drilled into the code for a few hours but feel stuck due to my limited understanding of how these pieces work together. So far I have introduced this class below to override the createPrefixMapping method:

public class GraphXDB extends GraphTxnTDB {

    public GraphXDB(DatasetGraphTransaction dataset, Node graphName) {
        super(dataset, graphName);

    protected PrefixMapping createPrefixMapping() {
        DatasetPrefixesTDB pm = getDatasetGraphTDB().getStoragePrefixes();         GraphPrefixesProjection projection = new GraphPrefixesProjection(getGraphName().toString(), pm);
        return Prefixes.adapt(projection);

and this looks OK in read mode but fails on writes with errors such as:

ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] Not active: 20
ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] **** Not active: 20
ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] Not active: 20
ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] **** Not active: 20
ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] Not active: 20
ERROR o.a.j.t.t.BlockMgrJournal [qtp975404820-67] **** Not active: 20


Thread [qtp975404820-101] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 304 in BlockMgrJournal))
    owns: Transaction  (id=366)
    BlockMgrJournal.checkActive() line: 304
    BlockMgrJournal.commitPrepare(Transaction) line: 91
    Transaction.lambda$prepare$0(TransactionLifecycle) line: 289
    74738525.accept(Object) line: not available
    ArrayList<E>.forEach(Consumer<? super E>) line: 1541
Transaction.forAllComponents(Consumer<TransactionLifecycle>) line: 283
    Transaction.prepare() line: 289
    Transaction.writerPrepareCommit() line: 165
    Transaction.commit() line: 120
    DatasetGraphTxn.commit() line: 61
    DatasetGraphTransaction.commit() line: 216
    DatasetGraphTxnTracking(DatasetGraphWrapper).commit() line: 276
    DatasetGraphTxnTracking.commit() line: 41
    TxnX.exec(T, TxnType, Runnable) line: 164
    TxnX.executeWrite(T, Runnable) line: 204
    PrefixMappingTxn.removeNsPrefix(String) line: 41
    ModelCom.removeNsPrefix(String) line: 972

Would you have any hints on how to proceed and whether this is on the right track? In the worst case, I guess we could switch to a completely different storage mechanism for those per-graph prefixes and bypass TDB.

Thank you

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