On 07/09/2021 12:33, Holger Knublauch wrote:
Having said this, I honestly don't think the limitations of one serialization should be enough to motivate such a drastic change to how prefixes are managed in TDB.

It is not one serialization - it includes JSON-LD, where it looks like new work will include packages of graphs as a dataset. It also makes default union graph work properly and consistently. A dataset is a logical collection of data - shared prefixes makes sense and is natural for datasets read/write.

TDB 1 and 2 are both have per-graph prefixes. Hardly drastic.

TQ has its own proprietary graph combination and security layer which is not based or related to RDF datasets and it does not use Jena data access security. Using a single dataset to store many graphs of that graph combination system is local to TQ.

For example it means that if someone changes the prefixes in one graph of the dataset, then she also changes the prefixes for all others, even for graphs that are not supposed to be writable for her. And then what would happen if two graphs are loaded and added from turtle files where each declares "ex" prefix? All this sounds very fragile and makes the use of such shared-prefixmapping datasets rather limiting - the old design was working just fine.

The triples are kept apart. The second prefix does not change the earlier data.


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