FileManager does two things - finding data and caching data.

FileManager only exists for code in jena-core: Ont API with some internal only operations for the rules engine. There is FileManagerImpl to make jena-core run its own tests - running jena-core on its own is not a good idea for an application.

RIOT does not use it. For the "finding" part there is StreamManager which has no caching.

FileManagerImpl is replaced by AdapterFileManager by RIOT initialization for backwards compatibility.

Only Ont API caches.

In the general case, built-in caching does not work - caching is complicated and one policy does not fit all.

The FileManager interface could expose the map (better, as a map-level copy - immutable isn't enough - the cache may drop a model) so the app can use DatasetFactory.createGeneral.

Note that Dataset isn't in jena-core.


On 22/01/2022 20:18, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
I meant <String, Model> map in FileManager...

On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 9:14 PM Martynas Jusevičius
<> wrote:


We are using FileManager as part of the Ontology API. We noticed it's
Model cache related methods are marked deprecated:

I don't see how OntDocumentManager can work without some sort of model
cache. But I think that FileManager (or at least the caching part)
could be replaced with a Dataset implementation. <URI, String> cache
map in FileManager is essentially the same as the named graphs in the

One immediate advantage would be that all OntDocumentManager
ontologies would be accessible using SPARQL. We have a use case to
make the queryable which lead to this idea.

I've made a PoC implementation. It uses DataManager as a subclass of
FileManager with getModelCache() exposed as an immutable map, because
FileManager itself provides no way to list the entries in the cache



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