I was reading the documentation for the new Kafka consumer API at
and came across this:

"Each Kafka consumer must specify a consumer group that it belongs to."

Currently we use Kafka but WITHOUT the consumer group functionality since I
do the partition distribution based on my own app logic. I also persist my
own offsets in an external store.
I also sometimes need to consume from the beginning of a partition or just
some arbitrary offset. Currently I use the SimpleConsumer to do this. I
just give it the topics and partitions I want to consume from and I
maintain the partition -> broker mapping myself. I also maintain the offset
myself and when I need to consume from the beginning of a partition I ask
the broker for the earliest offset and start consuming from there.

I am glad that the new consumer does the broker -> partition mapping itself
and I can get rid of a lot of code if I transitioned to it. But given that
the documentation suggests that I have to use the Consumer group, it
doesn't seem that it will support the lower level features that I need. I
do see the commitSync method which suggests that I am in control of the
offset management and for my use case I could just never call it. Is there
also a way for me to specify which partition to consume from exactly (in
addition to the topic) and also from which offset?


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