
I have some Kafka producers, which are listening to webhook events, and for
each webhook event, they post its payload to a Kafka topic.

Each payload contains a timestamp from the webhook source.

This timestamp is the source of truth about which events happened first,
which happened last, etc.

I need to ensure that the last arrival of a particular type of message wins.

E.g, if there are 5 messages, saying the price of a product with id 1, was
set to $1, then $3, then something else, etc, before finally being set to
$10, then I need to make sure that the final price for that product is $10.

These messages can be out of order, and I need to determine the latest
arrival based on the timestamp from the webhook source. (Its atm in a
string format which can be parsed)

Since KTable looks like it uses message keys to determine what happens -
and in this case, the message keys are random, and the timestamp contained
in the value of the message is what determines the order of the events -
any pointers on what the best way to do this is?

I'm using kafka streaming, latest version, Java.

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