Your understanding is correct.

Unfortunately, a regression slipped into 1.0 release such that the
described optimization is not done... It's fixed in upcoming 2.0 release.


On 5/24/18 4:52 PM, Todd Hughes wrote:
> From what I've read, a Ktable directly sourced from a compacted topic is 
> smart enough to not use a change log in the background.  I must be doing 
> something wrong though as I have a setup similar to below and I can see on 
> the broker a topic named something like myappid-myStore-changelog is actually 
> being utilized.
> There's a sub-topology to create the compacted topic, and the simple 
> sub-topology below for the ktable.
> KTable<String, String> myTable = streamsBuilder.table(myCompactedTopicName,
>                                     Consumed.with(stringSerde, stringSerde),
>                            "myStore"));

> It's used to get at the state store for occasional queries.
> kvStore ="myStore", QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore());
> Am I way off base in my understanding/approach, or just missing some tweak?

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