> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wilf (Neil Wilkinson) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> has anyone managed to get a 6150 to talk to kannel or
> minicom/other-terminal-type-program using a cable?  

Not me. I haven't tried real hard, but with Linux and a DLR3P cable or iRDA I can't 
use it with minicom at any speed setting.

> so how does gnokii do it?  surely that must open a connection 
> to /dev/ttySX
> and send commands/receive data?

You can try to take a look at the gnokii source code and see for your self. me 
personally, last time I tried that - my mind went blank and shut itself down after 5 
minutes, as a protective measure ;-)

> really confused as to how gnokii will work and minicom & kannel wont!

Usually the problem is 'Kannel not working but minicom does' :-) sorry that I cannot 
help further.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

You never learn anything by doing it right.

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