AFAIK, SMTP is not used by SMSCs themselves, but is often used by people
providing SMS Gateways.  (In a previous life, I built an SMTP interface to
an existing SMS gateway to make it more accessible for clients that didnt
have much(any) technical nouse.)

That may be why you have heard of it - writing a simple script that reacts
to a mail arriving to a certain account (sendmail can provide this i
believe) and makes a HTTP transaction with Kannel would do the trick.

But as Oded says, SMTP has a heavy pay-load and the client would have to be
sent a seperate message for success/failure (and if they are sending
thousands of emails, it would be complicated to tarry up the status with the
original sms as they would have to parse the emails that are returned).


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:users-admin@;]On Behalf Of Oded Arbel
> Sent: Sunday, 20 October 2002 5:30 PM
> To: Blesson Paul; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: (no subject)
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Blesson Paul [mailto:blessonpaul@;]
> >             In some documentation, we found that, many
> > commercial SMSC's work with
> > SMTP protocol. Why there is no support for SMTP in Kannel
> I'm not aware of any SMSC that supports SMTP, or at least - no
> SMSC that supports SMTP and not one of the other protocols that
> Kannel can use to deliver SMs. please note that SMTP is not a
> good protocol to deliver SMs with, as it is designed and
> optimised for large data transfer (heck - SMTP handshake alone is
> longer then most SMs). since an SMTP connection is
> unidirectional, to set up a proper system for SMTP messaging the
> network provider and content provider both need to set up lots of
> globally accesiable records which are not directly related to SM.
> As a result, it was never a requirment for Kannel to have an SMTP
> driver for SM delivery, and if your provider offers you an option
> to use a protocol other then SMTP, you better take that offer.
> OTOH, MMS messaging does have provisions for SMTP messaging, and
> due to the large size of most MMs, and the complicated nature of
> the MM* protocols, using SMTP for connections to MMSC is a good idea.
> --
> Oded Arbel
> m-Wise mobile solutions
> +972-9-9581711 (116)
> +972-67-340014
> ::..
> We promise according to our hopes, and perform according to our fears.

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